First of all congratulations on making the big decision to get into e-commerce, Starting an ecommerce business change your life but while it may be tempting to just dive right into it we see a lot uninformed people waste their money and time only to layer learne these 8 tips, So in this article we gonna highlight.
The 8 Tips you should know before starting and e-commerce business, by knowing these eight things you can drastically improve the trajectory, the growth, the seccuss and overall chances of finding more profit in your e-commerce business, while also avoiding dead ends and major mistakes will otherwise hinder your growth, so not to over exaggerate anything but these eight things can and will shape your business.
We hate seeing small businesses fail and honestly more times that not the failure is usually because they didn't do one of these 8 things, When getting started with ecommerce business you must know these 8 things
1. Your Brand Needs A Story
The first thing that you need to know when getting started with ecommerce is that your Brand needs to have a good story and somehow evoke a lot of emotion,
2. Pre-launch Is Critical
The second thing is almost completely different and this is that pre-launched testing and compaigning is in many ways even more important than the actual store itself so we find that there are many ways you want to make sure taht your doing some pre campaign stuff some pre-lunched where kind of breaking two things.
First of all pre-lunched testing it's very exciting to just find product you think will sell well and have some conviction on and you just want to start selling that which is fine but it's a lot riskier and so we find it's more helpful to do a lot of pre-lunched research to make sure that your Product has the best possibility of success.
3. Know Your Logistics
When you think of e-commerce like what kind of business is it really, in most cases it's a logistics business and so you want to really focus on how your logistics going to look.
What are the lead times going to be like, what could go wrong and everything like that, so focusing on exactly who your supplier is going to make a huge difference not only in like I said the lead times which correlates to customer experience which correlates to review which again Comes back to will they share with other people and will you be successful.
4. Be Your Target Market
This one is that you need to thoroughly relate to your target market and so with this you want to full understand who your target market is and one of the best way to do this or a free tool that we recommend when You're getting started is Google trends .
5. Differentiate From Competition
When you have a business especially with e-commerce you want to make sure you have like if you think of it like castle you want to have a moat around you meaning that other people can't get to what you doing and so this might be like unparalleled customer service it might be a much better design it might be a patent it might be anything like that you want to make sure you're doing something sufficiently different that can be easily copied overnight and just replicated so you have instant competition .
6. Know Your Marketing Plan & Budget
This is a thing you want to really know from the very beginning, so I don't mean marketing strategies to go on Facebook and whole bunch of Vedio ads you made one ad you're just going to run if infinitely and see what happens that's not the goal every marketing dollar you spend is dollar that you can be using to research and learn a lot more about not who is buying but also what they are interested in what converts well and what doesn't.
7. Plan Early For Scaling Later
This one is how you scale of course when you're starting out you're not really thinking about this as much you're thinking about just getting started and you're going to be doing almost everything yourself in the beginning but I want to mention that while you're growing over time and it's good to think of this in the very very beginning you want to set up away to record everything you're doing.
8. Have A Customer Plan
The last thing you really need to know before you get started with e-commerce is that the treatment of your customers is going to very very closely relate to how profitable you actually are so it might be tempting to to say all right I am going to get the quick dollar grab and then customers gone they're coming back don't worry about it just get the money and that is appealing at first but it's not going to give you any type of longevity it's really important that you have very happy customers so that they give you positive reviews they share organically and come back to buy more.
All in all Those are the 8 things we think you need to know before starting e-commerce business and of course all of them are very different they require little bit more research depending on what kind of market You're