Today I'm sharing my top 6 social media strategies and tips for small businesses and entrepreneurs, social media has a huge opportunity to be a brand awareness and sale tool for your business but social media can also be a huge challenge for those of us who wear multiple hats throughout the day particularly those who run small businesses or entrepreneur,
I know because I've been there, these strategies are gonna help you as small businesses and entrepreneurs prioritize what's important on social media so that you can grow your accounts and drive sales starting today let's get started.
Social media can be a real challenge so my top tip to you as small businesses and entrepreneurs is to make social media priority for you and your business and employees, start off by planning creat a strategy creat goals what do you success with social media? is it brand awareness, is it sales, is it somewhere in between having a plan will help you make that commitment to social media right from the beginning.
Start with plan understanding the tools that are gonna help you achieve that plan and then looking outside to your peers and competitors for what's working for them is agreat place to start and my number one tip for you entrepreneur and small businesses.
Everything starts and ends with goals and setting proper goals based on desired outcomes is the most important thing that you can do it's super important to develop a social strategy that aligns with you can determine whether social media program is successful or not 1 creating goals it's important to be specific as possible, so if you're using social media to drive brand awareness what are matrics around that goal?.
That will help you to define brand awareness is it likes traffic to website to your website engagement to social media posts or somewhere in between having specific goals based on specific objective is the first to creating great goals and the first step in understanding whether your social media is working or not, and of course those are super super important because if you're of the path and you're not finding success with social media goals will help you to define next action step needed to take to get back On The Path of Success On Social Media.
The tip number three for small businesses and entrepreneurs on social media is to remember to share who you are as a brand or a business, remember that social media is social people are on social media share content with their friends connect with family members and yes of course connect with you as a brain but people will not want to connect with you brand unless you're sharing things that are human authentic engaging, things that speak to people on a human level which is very meta.
I know it's hard to point directly to what that means but the best I can do is to tell you to remember to share who you are, what makes you unique as an entrepreneur or small businesses is it your values is that your company is it your employees is your product, what makes you special, why would people want to follow you on social media.
One of the best things about social media is that, it offers an open-ended community to communicate one-on-one with potential customers and current customers, that type of open-ended communication is rare these days and so social media offers that opportunity to small businesses and entrepreneurs whose customer base might be smaller to start out, so connect him one-on-one is super important when you're looking to grow your social media community.
the tip number five is remembering that passion helps to create amazing Social media content, I find that the biggest challenge on social media is creating great content on consistent basis, as small businesses or entrepreneurs it can be incredibly time consuming and difficult to find the topica that are gonna work over and over again on social media, so what I suggest you do as small businesses owner or as an entrepreneur is pick a topic that you love to talk about.
Now this topic can be semi related to your brand it doesn't have to be specifically about your product or your brand it can be in the sphare of your industry the more passionate you are about a specific topic the easier and more fun it will be to actually go out and find content or creta original content around that topic.